Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Merry Christmas

It has been a while since I have posted and I feel horrible.  The holidays have been crazy for us!  We have had guests since Christmas Eve, and are now getting back into the groove of normalcy.  We had tons of wonderful family time throughout the week, and I wouldn't have changed anything.

I will admit, at times the anxiety kicked in with a baby crawling all over the house, and dogs running every direction, but after a while I had to get over my house not being picked up, hair on the floor, Molly pulling at the dogs' tails, Molly eating leaves... and just roll with it.  So I did, for a week and a half straight.  Needless to say, all of our company was more than a blessing than anything else.  The grandmas were great to just take Molly, so I could have a break, or go run, or just breathe.  Molly had a great first Christmas, and here are a few of our memories.

We had a great time with our family!

Our first encounter with Santa

Well, here it goes...Matt and I were so excited to take little Miss to see Santa this year.  First Christmas, comes with lots of new things, and this is one we were so excited about.

So one day after church, we headed to Gruene, to see Cowboy Kringle.  Now, as you know, Molly NEVER, or should I say RARELY cries, so I did not think today would be any different.

Back up with Molly towards Santa, set her on his lap, and there you have it...piece of cake!!! right?

I think she caught a glimpse of something she was not too fond of.

All that to say, hope next year is better.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What If...

Since Molly has been born and we have moved, I feel like now, more than ever, my sense of fear, worry, and/or anxiety has at times, overtaken me.  I don't know if it is being in a new place and having another life I am responsible for, that I am more aware of them, or if it is Satan's way of warping my mind because he knows this is where he can get me psychologically at this time in my life.  Probably a little of everything.  I am constantly battling a mind game of "what if's," and that has inevitably, become my worst fear.  "What if" this happens, or "what if" that.  I hate the "what ifs!"  Not only what ifs, but fears in general.  Fear of not being close to family, fear of not knowing anyone, fear of not meeting anyone, fear of Molly not being around her friends (really my friends that have babies), and having little ones to play with, fear of something terrible happening to her, Matt, or myself; fears of someone coming into my house, what if she doesn't get enough milk/food, what if she doesn't take a long enough nap or get enough sleep, what if I don't teach her something important...the list goes on and on.  I know all of this sounds like par for the course once you have a kid, but I am convinced that I can choose to not live in fear or worry...or maybe just not to the extent that I do.  The question is: "Can I imagine myself not living in fear, presenting all of my requests to the Lord?"  Trust me, I try... I guess I still think I can dig down deep enough and with my Type A personality, find a quick fix.  Funny how God seems to give me a swift kick and softly whisper..."Trust me to take care of you."

It's easy to say I trust God when all things are going well and I feel taken care of, but "what if" one of those feared "what ifs" were to happen, would I still trust and think God is good?  Is my trust and love for Him conditional?  I hope not, but it terrifies me to think that sometimes it is.  I have to TRUST that my God WILL take care of me, should one of the "what ifs" were to happen.  

I know that God brought us to San Antonio for this season of life.  As I look and play with Molly during my day, I am reminded that this is one reason why we are here...and I am thankful.    I was reminded in scripture the other day that He has determined the times set for me and the exact places where I should live.  Surely, if He has determined this, he has not forgotten about me... and my fears.

Thank you to my bible study of Esther for allowing God's word to speak to me.  While Esther risked her life for the sake of saving her people, she faced her fear of dying, so others may live.  I pray I would have her courage of living for something greater.  That I would look at my fears and worries and deny their authority over me. 

That is what I will choose, and this is how I will strive to live.

I will be safe and not stumble.  When I lie down, I will not be afraid and my sleep will be sweet.  I will not fear of disaster or ruin that overtakes the wicked for YOU LORD are my confidence and will keep me safe.             Proverbs 3:24

Showering Sweet Baby Grayson

This past weekend, little miss and I made our way to Houston for Amanda's baby shower.  Baby Grayson will be making his debut in early February, so we needed to prepare a little for his arrival.  We are so excited for Amanda and Tigh and this new adventure they are about to experience.  There is no greater joy than being a mommy!

Thank you to Kelly, who did a fabulous job on the diaper cake!

Little stuffed animals for baby Gray.

And lots of sweet bedtime stories to read.

Look at those boots!  

Hostesses with the Mommy to be!

Happy Halloween

I am a little late in posting, but figured I should post some pictures from Molly's first Halloween.  We had a little Tinkerbell fairy playing around in the yard.  Mind you, she was the cutest Tinkerbell in the history of fairies!!!!  

Her little boyfriend, Luke, was Peter Pan.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sweet Miss Molly

Today our little bitty is 7 months old.

Little miss you are full of personality.
You make all kinds of noises and sounds, and smile all the time!

You weigh exactly 16 pounds and are growing by the day.
You have 2 bottom teeth that you got at 5 1/2 months.  And boy do they hurt.

You are crawling (real crawling) and pulling up on everything.  Jumping in your bed is one of your favorite things...  Daddy already had to lower your crib to the lowest level so you won't fall out.
You are not the best sleeper or napper, but I am prayerful that will change!

You really like peaches and fruit, and thankfully I have not found one thing that you really won't eat.
However, you hate to have your face and hands cleaned after eating.

Bath time is your favorite!  You have to learn to sit down though, so you won't get hurt.

You love to play peek a boo, and have things brush against your face.
You love to look in the mirror and laugh at yourself.

You hate wearing socks...and find a way to yank them off every time they are on your feet.
You love to go on runs/walks in the jogging stroller.

You are my joy through the day.
You are beautiful my Molly Reese.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Pumpkin Patch

Once upon a time...there was a little family who took a trip to the pumpkin patch.

Mommy and Daddy were so excited because this was Molly's first Halloween.

They took tons and tons of pictures, but Molly was too curious looking at the big, orange, round things, to smile for the camera.

 She wasn't sure what to think...

 But mommy and daddy had fun taking her.

                                        Happy Halloween!!!